It took a long time to get here, but FINALLY, The Old Flame (Maxim Ultra 2) is available on Amazon and Kindle! Click here to make it your own!
It took a long time to get here, but FINALLY, The Old Flame (Maxim Ultra 2) is available on Amazon and Kindle! Click here to make it your own!
Although I made this update on my Facebook page, I figured I should probably make it on my own webpage (DUH). The sequel to Maxim Ultra has been long-gestating, but there is an end in sight!
I'm almost finished with my current draft. I wanted to have it out this spring, to coincide with the 4th Anniversary of the first novel, but that was not meant to be. I've met me and I am NOT a prolific writer. Prolific in IDEAS, yes, but in actually finished material? No. So, I'm probably looking at sometime in the fall.
Also, I haven't forgotten about the Simpson Shortie, The Heist, which tells the story of how Max landed in prison at the start of the first novel. I just have to edit the hell out of that and, of course, I've been devoting my writing time to the next novel. So, that will definitely be out before the sequel, but I'm not sure when.
So, as a reward for my patient readers, I would like to take this opportunity to reveal the title of the next Maxim Ultra novel! (Drumroll, please) The second Maxim Ultra novel title IS...
Hopefully, you'll be reading it sooner rather than later! Stay tuned for future updates!